Welcome to CivilizedHumanBeing.com

Personally, I believe that civilization is worth the time, effort, and cost required to maintain it. I know we'd all like to burn it down to the ground occasionally, but we really don't want to go there. Living by rule of Law is better than the alternative. Civilization gives us beer, bread, and beef - those are all really hard to make all by yourself. Leisure time requires civilization.

I enjoy the true luxury of convenient, clean, hot and cold running water inside my home, the electric power grid, air-conditioning, central heating, and the sewage system. I appreciate the coordinated effort required to stock a grocery store. And as a modern woman, I sincerely appreciate my freedom, thanks to the blood, sweat, and tears of generations of civilized men.

Notes from Defiance

Life in Defiance, Missouri

How things look from here

We Love Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA

Flowers and a Welcome sign in Greenfield

Estate Sales

Estate sales

Carnival glass from a warehouse sale in Braddock

Our Garden

Our Garden in Pittsburgh with Seven Sisters Roses

Seven Sisters heirloom roses

The Great American West

The Great American West

High above the Schafer Trail in Canyonlands

Working for a Living

Working men in Pittsburgh

Workmen from the paving crew

Beauty and Style

Beauty and Style

An Elegant Tomboy

Domestic Arts

The Domestic Arts begin with the ability to bake a loaf of bread.

Civilization Starts Here

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Ingalls Wilder technical writer

Tech Writer in the Little House


Miscellaneous writing and photography

Writing and Photography

Mary Ecsedy taking photographs in Arches National Park. Photo by Don Ecsedy.

Early evening in the "Petrified Dunes" area of Arches National Park.

Photo by Don Ecsedy.

Photo by Don Ecsedy of Mary Ecsedy taking photographs from the rim of Island in the Sky overlooking the start of the Schafer Trail.

High above the Schafer Trail on the rim of Island in the Sky, Canyonlands National Park.

Photo by Don Ecsedy.


Miss Manners

"The family dinner table is the cornerstone of civilization and those who 'graze' from refrigerators or in front of the television sets are doomed to remain in a state of savagery." - Judith Martin (Miss Manners)

"Etiquette enables you to resolve conflict without just trading insults. Without etiquette, the irritations in modern life are so abrasive that you see people turning to the law to regulate everyday behavior. This frightens me; it's a major inroad on our basic freedoms." - Judith Martin (Miss Manners)


Cowboy Savvy

"Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction."

"Always drink upstream from the herd."

"It's the little things that get tangled in your spurs that trip you up."

"When you've got no choice, be brave."

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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et verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis